Bible Courses: Prophets JEREMIAH CONFESSIONS

Translation and arrangement from “The Prophets of Israel,” Moses Buttenwieser, 1913.

9:22            Thus saith the Lord, let not the wise man boast of his wisdom,
            nor the mighty one of his strength,
            nor the rich man of his wealth;
23            but if one must boast, let him boast of this,
            that he understandeth and knoweth Me –
            that he knoweth that I am the Lord, who doth work love, justice, and                                                 righteousness in the world,
            that it is in these things that I take delight, saith the Lord.
17:5            Thus saith the Lord, cursed is the man who trusteth in man,
            and who maketh flesh his strength,
            and whose heart is turned away from God.
6            He will be like the heath in the desert
            and will not see when good cometh;
            he liveth in parched regions in the wilderness,
            in a barren, uninhabited land.
7            Blessed is the man who relieth on God,
            and whose trust  is the Lord.
8            He will be like a tree planted beside the water,
            that spreadeth its roots by the stream;
            that feareth not when the heat cometh,
            whose foliage remaineth ever green;
            that taketh no care even in the year of drought,
            and never ceaseth from bearing fruit.
10:23            I know, O Lord, that man’s way is not of his own making,
            that it is not in the power of mortal to choose and direct his way.
17:9            Intricate is the heart, more so than anything else,
            and frail it is  -- who can fathom it?
10            I, the Lord, search the heart and test the reins,
            and to every man is given according to his ways,
            according to the fruit of his deeds.
16:19            The Lord is my power and my strength,
            my refuge in the day of need!
            To Thee the nations shall come from the ends of the earth and confess:
            Verily our fathers inherited but falsehoods,
            empty beliefs which are of no avail.
10:24            Chastise me, O Lord, according to justice.,
            but not in Thy [overwhelming] wrath,
            lest Thou reduce me to nothingness.
17:14            Heal me, O Lord, that I may be healed,
            save me that I may be saved,
            for Thou art my glory.
15            They, verily, speak unto me:
            Where is the word of God?  Let it come to pass!
16            But I have not grown callous as shepherd in Thy service,
            Neither have I wished for the disastrous day –
            Thou knowest it, the utterances of my lips are everpresent to Thee.
17            Prove not a terror unto me,
            [but] be my refuge in the day of evil!
18            let my persecutors be dismayed but let not me be dismayed,
            Let them be terror-stricken but let not me be terror-stricken,
            When Thou dost  bring upon them the day of evil,
            When Thou dost strike them with destruction a second time.

See also: 15:10, 15-25; 16:1-9; 11:18-12:3a,5-6; 20:7-11,13; 20:14-18


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