CONTEXT: The hypothetical J author launches the
patriarchal narrative with Yahh’s radical call, lech l’cha–“get going,” and promise to Avram. A few lines later we
have an insertion of vital statistics, typical of P, indicated here by
indentation. J’s travelogue continues with a shifty and profitable excursion,
the first of three “Wife? Sister!” stories. (See: chapters 20 (E) and 26:6-11.)
See them presented here
in parallel columns.
Avraham's origins are said to be Ur, Kasdim, generally sited
in south Iraq, on the Euphrates 50 miles from where it joins the Tigris. His
father, Terach, leaves Ur on his way to K'na'an, stopping in Charan, thought to
be in south Turkey, about 80 miles east of the Euphrates. It is here,
halfway between Ur and K'na'an that Avraham hears the call. (Gen 11:28, 31)
Place I treat as a proper noun. Makom, “place,” refers to a site, with a
purpose, likely in this case a shrine as in the story of Jacob’s dream, Genesis
28:16. ElonMoreh is “tree of oracle/revelation/teaching.” Likely a
landmark, sacred, frequently translated “oak.”
was the ancient name of present day Nablus, located in the mountains 40 miles
by road north of Jerusalem. BetEl
was probably on the site of present day Arab village Beitin, 16 miles north of
Jerusalem. K’na’an is the Hebrew pronunciation of Canaan.
Hebrew for Egypt, is also closer to Matsr, as contemporary residents of that
land refer to their country. The English name Egypt is derived from the ancient Greek Aígyptos (Αἴγυπτος), via Middle French
Egypte and Latin Aegyptus. It is reflected in early Greek Linear B tablets as a-ku-pi-ti-yo.( Wikipedia) Gypsy: 1505–15;
back formation of gipcyan,
aphetic variant of Egyptian, from a belief that Gypsies
came originally
from Egypt. (
"Woman," isha, אִשָּׁה,
can be interpreted as "wife," as in this story. I use the word as it
shows up in Hebrew and let the reader/hearer do the interpreting.
LECH L’CHA (Genesis
12: 1-9)
said to Avram:
“Go you, from your land,
your kin, your father’s house,
the land that I shall show you.
2I will make you a nation, great, and bless you.
will make your name great. Be a blessing.
3I will bless them who bless you and curse him who
curses you.
you will all families of the earth be blessed.”
Avram went as Yahh had spoken to him, and Lot went with him.
was 75 years old when he left Charan. 5He took Sarai, his woman, and
Lot, his brother’s son, and their possessions they had accumulated, and the
persons they had got in Charan. They left to go to the land of K’na’an.
They arrived at the land of K’na’an. 6Avram
crossed the land to Sh’chem Place, to ElonMoreh. (The K’na’ani were then in the land.) 7Yahh appeared
to him and said: “I give this land to your seed.” So he built there an altar to
Yahh who had appeared to him.
pulled up stakes for the mountain east of BeitEl where he pitched his tent. (BeitEl was from the west and the Ai from
the East.) He built an altar there
and called out in the name Yahh. 9He traveled on, trekking and
journeying to the Negev (“south”).
(Genesis 12:10-13:1)
was a famine in the land. Avram went down towards Mitsrayim to sojourn there
for the famine lay heavy on the land. 11It was when he was
approaching Mitsrayim that he said to Sarai, his woman, “Consider this: I have
long known that you are a beautiful woman. 12When the Mitsrim see
you they’ll say, ‘This is his woman,’ and they’ll kill me and keep you alive. 13Please,
tell them you are my sister so it’ll be good for me for your sake. And my life
will survive on account of you.”
happened as Avram arrived at Mitsrayim, the Mitsrim looked at the woman for she
was very pretty. 15Paroh’s courtiers saw her and praised her to him.
The woman was taken to Paroh’s house 16and he treated Avram well for
her sake, giving him flocks, cattle, and asses, slaves and handmaids, she asses
and camels.
Yahh struck Paroh and his house with great plagues over the matter of Avram’s
woman Sarai. 18Paroh summoned Avram: “What is this you have done to
me! Why didn’t you tell me she is your woman? 19Why did you say,
‘She’s my sister?’ so that I should take her to myself as woman? Now here’s
your woman: take and go!”
commanded people for him and they sent him away, his woman and all that he
had. Avram went up from Mitsrayim
back to the Negev, along with his woman, all that he had, and Lot, as well.
© Rabbi David L. Kline
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