© Rabbi David L. Kline
WHAT’S GOING ON HERE, II, Introduction to Hebrew Bible
Rabbi David L. Kline,
This course uses critical reading. I follow the Documentary Hypothesis, for a brief
introduction to which, see:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Documentary_hypothesis For a more thorough grounding, I recommend: Who
Wrote the Bible? By Richard E. Friedman.
1) Genesis
12; 20; 26:6-14 Our
story opens. What did our
ancestors have in mind about their ancestors? Whence the subject matter? How the telling?
12:1-4a (first half of verse 4), The first promise, cf
12:7; 13:14; 15:4,18; 17:4,19
12:4bf (following
verse), vital statistics, genealogy, geography, cf 11:22-32
12:6-20 2nd promise. Wife/sister narratives. Ch 20; 26:6-14
2) Genesis
22 This
is a test?
22:1a Title. By the narrator or the redactor? What about Akeidah,
(“Binding”)? Note Hebrew refers to “the God”
(HaElohim). Why the mistranslation
22:1b-13 The narrative. Look for vivid detail, suspense, tension, repetition, etc.
22:2 “Only son?” cf Qur’an, Sura 37:99ff (see supplement)
22:14 Geographical
gloss, unclear meaning. Cf Targum
Onkelos: 14. And Abraham worshipped and prayed there in that place, and
said before the Lord, Here shall generations worship: wherefore it shall be
paid in that day, In this mountain Abraham worshipped before the Lord. Targum Jonathan: And Abraham
gave thanks and prayed there, in that place, and said, I pray through the
mercies that are before Thee, O Lord, before whom it is manifest that it was
not in the depth of my heart to turn away from doing Thy decree with joy, that
when the children of Izhak my son shall offer in the hour of affliction, this
may be a memorial for them; and Thou mayest hear them and deliver them, and
that all generations to come may say, In this mountain Abraham bound Izhak his
son, and there the Shekina of the Lord was revealed unto him.
Additional response, from Yah. Redundant? Cf.
12:2f; 13:16
Be’er Sheva? Cf 21:33f;
3) Genesis 37; 38 Joseph
and his brothers (see supplement)
37:1-2a Bridge from preceding chapter to the story of
Joseph. P detail. Cf 36:1
Simple characterization. J
Dreams, device favored by E but a psychological element here for J.
Two narrative traditions present here, E and J. See deconstruction.
E concludes: note Midnianites in 36 and Judah, not Israel, in 34.
38 An easy read, pure J. Remember J also signifies Judah, the
southern kingdom, as E signifies Ephraim, the northern. Interesting points: don’t displease
Yah; levirate marriage (Deuteronomy 25:5-10); onanism; strong women. The tale concludes with a bit of
etiology – Perets is ancestor of David.
4) Joshua
2; 6; 7; 8 One
tough God
Spy story, sex, danger, treachery, escape.
6 The Battle of Jericho! Proscribe!
Ban! Devote! Curse!
7 Crime and Punishment
Divine military tactics.
:30-5 Cf Deuteronomy
5) Judges
3:7-11; 4; 5 Jews
of yore
Template at its formulaic simplest. Deuteronomistic historiosophy.
Heroines, their stories and songs.
Data and imagery. Folk
6) I
Samuel 8 – 16 Transition:
tribes to monarchy
Possibly getting closer to a contemporary account.
7) I
Samuel 17 -19 The
adventures of young David. (Ctr
II 21:19)
What’s wrong with this story? What’s right about it?
What’s a folktale?
8) I
Kings 2 – 11:10 Soloman
son of David.
Politics, violence, ambition, dreams of wisdom.
9) I
Kings 18; II Kings 2 Elijah
Legendary, but provocative.
10) II
Kings 21-23 History
of history?
The launching of Deuteronomy. Things have never been the same.
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